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Lab members


Dr Eunice Jingmei Tan

Assistant Professor | Principal Investigator
Department of Biological Sciences,
National University of Singapore
Environmental Studies, Yale-NUS College
Research Affiliate, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum

Eunice combines field experiments with interspecific comparative analyses to address questions in ecological adaptations, using terrestrial invertebrates as study systems. 


Eunice studied web-decorating spiders for her Masters degree at the National University of Singapore. During her doctoral research at the University of Melbourne, Australia, Eunice examined the evolution of colour patterns in Australian leaf beetles using a combination of phylogenetic comparative analyses and field experiments. As a postdoctoral fellow at Yale-NUS College, Eunice performed transcriptomic research to examine the genes involved in male courtship behaviour in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, and  field experiments to examine the anti-predatory functions of butterfly colour patterns.




Jackson Clive

Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Biological Sciences, NUS

Jackson uses behavioural ecology and quantitative genetics to study evolutionary change. Previously, he has worked on the genetic basis of sociosexual behaviours in primates. In his current research, he is investigating the impacts of artificial light at night on tropical arthopod diversity, ecology and evolution. 


Nur Adawiyah Binte Kamarulzaman

Research Assistant
Department of Biological Sciences, NUS 

An Alumna from Republic Polytechnic, Adawiyah graduated with a Diploma in Environmental Science. She discovered her passion for nature through her internship at Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum and has been carrying on building up her experience here at TEAL laboratories. She has been helping out with the fieldwork and insect identification work to satisfy her love and interest for insects.



Bernetta Kwek Zi Wei

Research Assistant
Department of Biological Sciences, NUS 

Bernetta is a Bachelor of Science graduate specializing in environmental biology. She has four years' experience in the scientific research industry where she gained interests in animal behaviour and communication. She loves animals, enjoys being in nature and loves wildlife photography. 


Janine Soh

Biological Sciences | PhD Candidate


Janine was a Life Science major who recently graduated in 2023. She specialises in environmental biology and worked on her Final Year Project with Professor Eunice Tan in TEALab. She is currently a PhD student at NUS. The project involves investigating the effect of light pollution on the copulation behaviour of stick insects in hopes of understanding the effect of human activities on insect ecology. She is also particularly interested in conservation biology and ethology. She is fascinated with the diversity of life and enjoys all things nature.



Ain Bte Azman

Life Sciences | Class of 2025

Ain is a Life Sciences major specialising in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (EEB) at NUS. She is interested in ecology and animal behaviour and investigating the interactions between the two. Her favourite insect is the Dryocampa rubicunda and in her free time, she enjoys birdwatching.


Eugene Tan

Life Sciences | Class of 2025

Eugene Tan, with a keen interest in terrestrial ecology, started off his journey with birdwatching. His encounters with various animals such as herps and insects have helped him gain a deeper understanding of how different species come together to form the ecology. In particular, the interactions of species with each other as well as the environment have always piqued his curiosity and the unique behaviour they exhibit has never been short of entertaining. 

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Isabel Goh Si En

Life Sciences | Class of 2025

Isabel is a Year 4 student majoring in Life Sciences in NUS. She enjoys travelling and exploring new destinations, often finding solace in the beauty of nature. Her passion for travel and love for the outdoors has seamlessly intertwined with her UROPs project, where she delves into the fascinating world of insects and their ecological environments.

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Zou Yan

Entomology | PhD Candidate |
Visiting scholar | Nanjing Agricultural University

Zou Yan is a visiting scholar from China, who is mainly engaged in the research of corn pests. He has 10 years of experience in insect-related work, mainly in the collection, identification, breeding of insects, investigation of regional insect diversity, and the ecological control and occurrence prediction of corn field pests. He will be carrying out experiments related to stick insects behaviour, believing that the substances in the body may be a factor that affects their behaviour. 

Lab Affiliates


Jayanthi Puniamoorthy

Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum

Jayanthi has more than 15 years of training in Entomology and scientific research. Her main research interests are in South East Asian insect diversity, taxonomy and macro ecology. She also has a background in collections, laboratory and project management. She currently manages the lab's insectary and fieldwork. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a B.Sc. in Life Sciences and is now undertaking a course in Data Analytics. 


Mohamad Azlin Bin Sani


Azlin has spent over 10 years in conversation and doing field studies and surveys. He has been involved in various field studies associated with mangroves and tropical rainforests, locally and regionally. His passion for fieldwork had brought him to study trips to Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia on various invertebrate surveys with particular interests in spiders and stick insects.

© 2024 The Ecological Adaptations Lab | National University of Singapore | 16 Science Drive 4 | Singapore 117558 | SINGAPORE |

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